Episode 01 – Beyond Limits – Exploring Creative Possibilities

What if you, just being you, could invite others to something wonderful that YOU know is possible? Today’s special guest, Dawn Meyer, asks this question every day. A Rocket Scientist turned Energy Healer, “Purple Dawn”, as she’s often called, engages you with delightful stories and encourages you to see the world with new eyes. Can you guess which 1960’s Sci-Fi show inspired her to become a hands-on healer? You’ll meet her cat, Chewy, learn about her favorite spot to photograph Hummingbirds and discover how animals magically appear right in front of her to get their photos taken. She shares how she stays creatively inspired using her new book, Gratitude for Life Journal: A Year of Creating the Life You Love, and let’s us in on a special secret – exactly how she talks to her craft projects so they create themselves. Music inspires her, too and she recommends two great songs for us to add to our playlists. We even discussed what she’d name the next purple Crayola crayon!

Dawn is an empowering coach, energy healer, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, Access ConsciousnessCertified Facilitator, massage therapist, Reiki master and former Space Shuttle Engineer. When you’re done listening, please connect with her through her website at Iampurpledawn.com to learn more. Remember to check out her Gratitude for Life Journal and the corresponding 21-day Challenge.

Curious about something you’d like to hear us discuss? Questions? Send an email to nanette@wisewellwomen.com. Join other like-spirited creatives in the Conscious Creators Cafe on Facebook.

Rediscover your creative nature, learn to play more and reignite your passion for life! Visit CreatePlayLive.com for more.


Dawn Meyer, IamPurpleDawn.com

REFERENCES: Gratitude for Life Journal

Favorite Songs: I Hope You Dance by LeeAnn Womack and Little Wonders by Rob Thomas

CRAYOLA – There are no current naming projects.

Access Consciousness®